
Book Listing

This is page where you can view all books that you have in your database. Each book has short description (title, publisher, genre, author, ISBN, quantity) and some useful links (edit, clone or delete book). Also on this page you can start creation of books. There is available 2 ways to create book:

  • book creation by entering all data manually
  • book creation by using Google Books data if required book exists in Google Books

Add/Edit Book

Here you can create new or edit existing book. As you can see each book has a lot of fields like book title, authors, genres, ISBN, etc. Also you can upload book cover and type some notes about book.

Publisher Listing

This is a list of book publishers in your database.

Add/Edit Publisher

Publisher is very simple object in our system. It has just one field – name of publisher. Here you create or change existing publisher.

Series Listing

List of book series.

Add/Edit Series

Series is like a publisher has one field only – title of series. Here you can create/edit book series.

Author Listing

This is a list of book authors.

Add/Edit Author

Author is more complex object then publisher or series. It includes full name of authors, author’s photo and description (for example, it can contains biography of writer or/and his bibliography.

Genre Listing

This is list of book genres.

Add/Edit Genre

And again you can see very simple object – book genre. It has just title.

Store Listing

This is list of book stores.

Add/Edit Store

It is creation and editing of stores.

Location Listing

This is list of book locations.

Add/Edit Location

It is creation and editing of locations.

Import & Export CSV

Here you have ability to import/export books from/to csv(comma separated values) files. Import will save your time on creation each book manually. We recommend to use import on empty database right after installation. It doesn’t mean you can do it later ;)


On this page you can view book reviews.

Book Barcode Generation

On this page you can generate barcodes for your books. Print preview is also available here.